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Diversity and Rotary

There has been a lot of talk recently about diversity and its impact on society.  Not to get too political for the Centerview, I’d rather focus on diversity as it pertains to Rotary, both locally and internationally.  The Escondido Rotary is certainly a diverse group when it comes to businesses represented, from Arts groups (Historian, Designer) to Zebras (Safari Park), from profit-making corporations to non-profits, from Democrats to Republicans to Independents (you all know who you are, or at least you used to know).   Our 135+ members are a tapestry, reflecting the fabric of the Escondido community.  Our Rotary Club is certainly diverse as it pertains to gender, and our board of directors reflects that as well.

Our club is one of 5 Rotary Clubs in Escondido, and one of 65 clubs in District 5340.  You can imagine the diversity of membership in all of those clubs.  Rotary International now boasts of having over 35,000 clubs with over 1.2 million members worldwide, so once again imagine the diversity.

Rotary International is a global network comprised of neighbors, friends, leaders and problem-solvers who come together to make positive, lasting change in communities at home and abroad.  RI promotes peace, fights disease, provides clean water, sanitation and hygiene, saves mothers and children, supports education and grows local economies. I think we recognize some of our own local programs within these initiatives.

What’s my point in all of this?  During this current period of turmoil both domestically and around the globe I think we can take pride that we are making positive things happen without all the bombast, rhetoric, fake news and finger pointing that seems to dominate.  We tend to work behind the scenes, avoiding the limelight, and quietly making our region a better place to live, work and play.  We live by the 4-Way test  week in and week out.

So be proud, fellow Rotarians!

Fred Baranowski, Past President

Meeting Location

The general meeting is Noon every Tuesday at The California Center for the Arts, 340 North Escondido Boulevard (map).