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Program: Teen Challenge San Diego

Teen Challenge offers substance abuse recovery programs for Teens & Adult men.  The program was started in 1958 in response to teenage gang members being tried for murder in New York City.  The Southern California Chapter was founded in 1963.  Presently there are over 400 Centers in the US, with 1200 Centers across 19 countries. The speakers addressed the problem of the epidemic of drug addiction in our culture in the USA.  It is the Number 1 cause of death among those who are under 50 years of age.  There is a very high death rate among those addicted to opioids.  It is an epidemic, as recognized by President Trump’s issuing a State of Emergency Declaration.

Both speakers told of their personal stories and struggle with drug addiction, and how their lives were transformed by the Teen Challenge Program.  Teen Challenge offered them help and hope.  It is a Bible-based, Christian and spiritual place of transformation.  For drug addicts, the program offers a Way Out through something very powerful out greater than themselves.

They offer in-house bed spaces for 54 beds, for teens 14-17 and for adult men, as well as after-school programs. A federal government study tracked graduates of the One Year program, and the compelling findings showed that five years later, 86% were drug and alcohol free.  Consider that the cost of the program is $15,000 per year, compared with incarceration costs of $80,000 to $100,000 per year.   They work with the Sheriff and police departments, and the Courts.  They have outreach to schools in the County. 

They are not a licensed drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility, and they receive no insurance or Federal or State funding.  There is no cost to the participants or their families.  It is wholly privately funded by donations and sponsors.  They have two up-coming fund-raisers, a Silent Auction on March 17, and a Golf Tournament on June 11, 2018.  Flyers were distributed on the tables. 

The public is welcome to tour the facility and find out more information. They serve the entire County.  Please direct people with addiction problems to Teen Challenge. 

In response to questions, they explained that the success rate for the Induction Phase (3-4 months) is50%, and the people who then move to the next phase have a 70% success rate.  Many who fail in the first phase, do come back. 

They currently operate at capacity, and would love to expand, especially to offer a facility for women with children.

Meeting Location

The general meeting is Noon every Tuesday at The California Center for the Arts, 340 North Escondido Boulevard (map).