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Past Presidents’

FredBaranowskiIn putting together the Past Presidents’ Meeting program, I spent a lot of time communicating with the legion of Past Presidents who are still quite active in our club. As usual, it was no problem getting them to volunteer to be part of the festivities, and one could sense a real commitment to being a member of ‘the club within the club’. Let’s hope you agree after seeing the program today!

I was struck, however, in going through the listing of Past Presidents in our Roster, by the sheer power of the names, both in the recent past and the distant past. One could sense the power of the position of President of Escondido Rotary, and by extension, the power of Escondido Rotary in this town.

I think most PP’s would agree that it is indeed a privilege to serve our club as President, and that the work put in preparing for the weekly meetings, attending a large number of committee meetings, representing the club at District events and more is well worth the effort. In fact, I think one receives more than one gives during this very tumultuous year!

If you look at the list, you’ll see some familiar names in our community, some whom are no longer in our club, but who still share the Past President title. If you see them, please thank them for their past service, and maybe put in a nudge to invite them back in!

If you have recently looked at the PP list in the roster, then you’re a step ahead of me. If not, I’ll save you the step of looking it up and print it below. With the possible exception of the most recent PP it’s an incredible list of talent, and I toast the roster of Past Presidents with a rousing THANK YOU!!

And maybe you’ll consider being President some year so you can make the list???

Fred Baranowski

Meeting Location

The general meeting is Noon every Tuesday at The California Center for the Arts, 340 North Escondido Boulevard (map).